The Rose of Lilith - Soulless Single Review

Concise Summary: The Rose of Lilith is a little-known band from the United States, and Soulless is their second single, their first being from 2015. Soulless is an interesting song from multiple standpoints, the first of which is vocally. With names like Lance King (formerly of Pyramaze), Ralf Scheepers (of Primal Fear), Mikel Johnston (of Heretical Lacerations), and Andi Kravljaca (of Aeon Zen), there are a wide variety of vocal styles on Soulless, all of which are very well-done. However, I think that the vocals should have been separated more. As it is, Mikel Johnston seems to do most of the singing, and when the other three come in, at least two are generally singing in harmony, which drowns out their individual voices. The harmony is OK, but I think it would have been better to have a two-person stereo harmony (instead of being mono like it is). Basically I think that, for example, Lance and Ralf should have done a harmony with Lance balanced left and Ralf balanced rig...