Burning Point - The Blaze Review

Concise Summary: Well, I haven't really listened to Burning Point much before this album, but I knew they existed mainly because of the singer, Nitte Valo, who formerly sang for Battle Beast. I decided to listen to The Blaze because of this new song (which was so good that I almost did a song review on it; can't wait to hear more) from Nitte's new project or maybe side project Seraphiel. The Blaze is the last full-length album that Nitte sang on, and I was curious to check it out. It's... interesting. As I would have expected, the vocals were superb, but I'm not sure how to feel about the instrumentals. It almost seems like Blazing Point was trying to replicate an 80s or 90s hair metal sound, especially because the overall mix on the album sounded kind of muffled and lacked the clarity of a lot of modern recordings. However, the riffs and songwriting diversity weren't very impressive. I respect this album because I'm pretty sure I understand t...