Dream Theater - Dream Theater Review

Concise Summary: If there were one word to sum up this album, "Masterpiece" would come to mind. Dream theater is fairly well known for their complex and technical songwriting styles and this self-titled album is certainly no exception. Even though the songs on this album aren't necessarily something you'd listen to on the way to work, from an objective standpoint, the skill and effort that went into this album is close to being unparalleled. Objective Rating: My Rating: 8.5 I really like this album, don't get me wrong, but it's not something I'd listen to over and over. I certainly appreciate the unbelievable amounts of skill that went into writing and recording this album, but listening to this for a long time can get a bit boring. Just looking at the music itself however, this album gives Hans Zimmer a run for his money. Highlights: Technical songwriting Incredible instrumentals Unique song structures Extremely smooth prod...